《Dear Basketball》英文原文:
Dear Basketball
From the momentI started rolling my dad’s tube socksAnd shooting imaginaryGame-winning shotsIn the Great Western ForumI knew one thing was real:I fell in love with you.
A love so deep I gave you my all —From my mind & bodyTo my spirit & soul.
As a six-year-old boyDeeply in love with youI never saw the end of the tunnel.I only saw myselfRunning out of one.
And so I ran.I ran up and down every courtAfter every loose ball for you.You asked for my hustleI gave you my heartBecause it came with so much more.
I played through the sweat and hurtNot because challenge called meBut because YOU called me.I did everything for YOUBecause that’s what you doWhen someone makes you feel asAlive as you’ve made me feel.
You gave a six-year-old boy his Laker dreamAnd I’ll always love you for it.But I can’t love you obsessively for much longer.This season is all I have left to give.My heart can take the poundingMy mind can handle the grindBut my body knows it’s time to say goodbye.
And that’s OK.I’m ready to let you go.I want you to know nowSo we both can savor every moment we have left together.The good and the bad.We have given each otherAll that we have.
And we both know, no matter what I do nextI’ll always be that kidWith the rolled up socksGarbage can in the corner:05 seconds on the clockBall in my hands.5 … 4 … 3 … 2 … 1
Love you always,Kobe
科比是NBA最好的得分手之一,生涯赢得无数奖项 ,突破、投篮、罚球、三分球他都驾轻就熟,几乎没有进攻盲区,单场比赛81分的个人纪录就有力地证明了这一点。除了疯狂的得分外,科比的组织能力也很出众,经常担任球队进攻的第一发起人。另外科比还是联盟中最好的防守人之一,贴身防守非常具有压迫性。
2016年4月14日,科比·布莱恩特在生涯最后一场主场对阵爵士的常规赛后宣布退役。 2017年12月19日,湖人主场对阵勇士,中场时刻为科比的8号和24号2件球衣举行了退役仪式。
球场就是战场,唯有突破自我才能成为这场硬仗的主角,而坚持是强者的性格,是赢家的秘籍,是科比身上最高的斗战奥义,有一种坚持,叫 科比•布莱恩特!
坚持 是能够在命运风暴中独当一面。
坚持 是从平凡走向不凡的杀手锏。
坚持 使他成为众多球迷的信仰。
你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:
望采纳 谢谢
一转眼科比都退役三年了 2014/15NBA 赛季,科比宣布赛季结束退役 接下来每个客场都变成了科比的主场 球迷们来到现场支持科比 球队也费劲心思对科比致敬 老对手凯尔特人取下球队的块地板送给唠嗑 黄蜂对老板乔丹录视频对唠嗑表达敬意 森林狼把科比比赛的用球作为收藏。 与加索尔深情的拥抱,感染着每一个球迷,两个人的相互成就让他们建立起了深厚的友谊 科比所到之处球迷们送上热烈的掌声,mvp 的呼叫估计只有科比才会走吧 感谢科比陪我走过青春
Dear been
当我们第一次相遇的时候,我只是个孩子。” ──科比 想了好多天,也想不到一个比这更好的开头了。我知道,像我这样对科比充满情怀的不只我一个。微博上,会出现很多的文章向科比致敬,内容也都差不多是介绍科比的事迹,再介绍自己与科比的成长以及陪伴等。当然,我不是例外,我也会如此。因为诚如众人所言:青春。 科比说他最伟大的成就其实是在经历三次赛季报销的伤病后,找到动力从中恢复过来,并且回到球场。 同样对无数粉丝来讲,再次回到球场,是我们看到的最伟大的成就。于是,在三年前的今天,湖人主场迎战勇士。轻伤不下火线的科比,忍着前几场比赛的伤痛,顶 着长时间在场作战的疲倦,依旧杀得七进七出。即使有着两次受伤倒地的痛苦,也无法阻挡这个男人要带领球队杀进季后赛。 那个赛季,科比刚挺过妻子瓦妮莎要离婚、交易被否决、手腕受伤再加缩水赛季赛程密集的诸多困扰。终于看到纳什、霍华德加盟给天使之城带来再次登顶的希望。 也就是这样的一个万众瞩目的赛季,霍华德养伤、纳什伤退,接下来主教练更换,加索尔、慈世平又伤。好不容易人齐了,却又无法成功磨合。而此时,全明星赛到 来。全明星赛的到来,意味着湖人后面的比赛更加重要,每一场都是力争取胜的。然而,老巴斯离世让湖人这支球队笼罩上了一层阴影。 全明星后15场比赛,湖人11胜4负。科比连续两场力挽狂澜、逆转取胜。跻身西部前八,状态不俗。但此时科比脚踝受伤,接下来四场输了三场,季后赛岌岌可 危。于是,在接下来的七场比赛,几乎每一场都是科比用命换来的。这7场比赛科比的上场时间分别是:47、47、42、47、41、48、45。 最后,也就是三年前的今天的那场比赛,在前两次受伤倒地的前提下,依旧咬牙坚持。终场比赛结束前3分08秒,科比命中两记关键三分,将比分扳成107平。 此后,科比再次发动攻击,他扛着希望冲入禁区,在对方严防之下,又一次滑倒在地,表情痛苦地捂住了膝盖,所有湖人球员都围了过去。而这一幕,就是让无数粉 丝心碎的一幕。 我还记得我当时逃了课,坐在寝室看这场比赛。他倒地不起的时候,我没有感觉。我认为他还能站起来,我以为并不会特别严重。身边的人都在笑,科比完了。当他咬着牙,一瘸一拐坚持罚完两个球之后,在队友的搀扶之下返回了更衣室。最后,湖人赢得了那场比赛。而在赛后的新闻发布会上,我看到科比含着泪水说道: 跟腱断裂...... 2006年,我第一次看NBA。除了姚明以外,艾弗森是我认识的第一个篮球明星,但是纳什却成为了我的偶像。可即便如此,我还是喜欢上了科比。我记得,那天央视在放周十佳球,湖人对阵马刺,科比突破之后一个空中高难度拉杆上篮,球进。也就是这个球,让我对这个男人充满仰慕。当时央视的旁白是:久违的湖人24号,久违的科比布莱恩特,久违的空中舞步。 我没有见证过科比8号时代的疯狂,却赶上了24号的成熟与坚韧。 2007年,经历了重重困难的湖人终于得到了加索尔。可依旧2008年败走北岸花园。 尽管2008年输掉了总决赛,但他却在五棵松站到了顶端。那记三加一的关键进球,成就梦八夺回霸主。 也正是这样的经历,让湖人让科比登上2009、2010两连冠的巅峰。那个时候,整个世界都是美好的。2009年,身边几乎所有人都在骂湖人骂科比,可我 依旧默默支持。2010年总决赛第七场,斯台普斯球馆,黄绿大战。那天一放学,男生们疯狂的奔向食堂观看第四节。我又发现所有的人里,支持凯尔特人远高于 湖人。我又默默的看着湖人翻盘心头大乐。回到寝室,我得瑟的安慰室友:不要紧,还有“第八场”。 2011年季后赛第一轮对阵黄蜂,科比拖着受伤的脚,硬是完成了那记力劈华山的战斧劈扣,最终4:2晋级。可所有人的低迷,让科比无力回天,三连冠止步达拉斯,惨遭横扫。 2011年,NBA停摆无限期,这是NBA历史灰暗的一年。在结束停摆后,湖人与黄蜂达成交易。这样的一个重磅交易,很快被斯特恩叫停,成了一出丑陋无比的闹剧。也因为这次交易被叫停,湖人开始了惨烈的连锁反应。 停摆的那个赛季,西部第三的湖人又与掘金抢七大战艰难险胜却遭雷霆屠戮。 然后后面发生的,就是科比倒地的那一幕。而这一倒下,竟花了三年。也就是这样巅峰的三年,让他备受争议。 2015年11月30日,科比撰文《Dear Basketball》宣布赛季结束退役。 我不是一个合格的科比粉丝。但是对科比的情怀,同众人一样。科比陪伴的是我的成长,他带给我的更多的是改变。因为他,我才从一个娘娘腔,蜕变成如今这般模样。也因为他,让我成长更为精彩。 我以为我会写出非常华丽的词藻来表示对科比的感谢,可我还是更愿意用如此直白的方法表达我的记忆。 2006年砍下NBA历史第二高分81分,很遗憾我没有见证;同年季后赛双杀太阳,我又没有见证到。 再往前,我没有见证到科比独自带队的辛苦;没有见证到骑扣霍华德的霸气;没有见证到OK组合的无敌。没有见证到三连冠。 只是很开心,我赶上了那个空中舞步;赶上了0.4秒绝杀热火;赶上了两连冠的王朝;赶上了三记逆天三分扣篮绝杀猛龙;赶上了骑扣保罗骑扣篮网哼哈二将。赶上了超越乔丹。 而如今,我又赶上了如此享受比赛的科比。 终于,2016年4月14日如约而至。科比告别赛,全球瞩目。耳边的每一首歌曲,都如同伤感告别曲。 在爵士已经失去季后赛资格的前提下,爵士仍旧似乎是在砸场子。而也因为如此,爵士让人尊敬。因为,科比爆发砍下60分创造历史。 而这一场比赛的剧本,堪称完美。从一开始的频繁打铁,到连续得分,再到大比分落后,再到力挽狂澜追上比分,最后投中制胜关键球。科比的这一场比赛,浓缩了 他在湖人的20年。终于,随着最后一记罚球命中,湖人锁定胜局科比被换下场。而这一幕,2006年在斯台普斯发生过。 1996年,科比罚球得到在NBA的第一分;2006年罚球得到第81分;2013年跟腱断裂罚球赛季报销;2014年科比罚球超越乔丹升至历史第三;2016年,科比罚球结束生涯。 也终于到这里,这篇乱文也要结束了。 故事的最后你还是说了拜拜:Mamba out!
I am here to announce my retirement from the game of Dear Basketball It's been almost 28 years since the first day we met. 28 years since I saw you in the back of our garage. 28 years since my parents intriduced us. If someone would have told me then, what would become of us, I'm not sure I would have believed them. I barely remembered your name. Then I started seeing you around the neighborhood and watching you on television. I used to see you with guys down at the playground. But when my older brother started paying more attention to you, I started to wonder. Maybe you were different. We hung out a few times. The more I got to know you, the more I liked you. And as life would have it, when I finally got really interested in you, when I was finally ready to get serious, left me off the varsity. You told me I wasn't good enough. I was crushed. I was hurt. I think I even cried. Then I waited you more than ever. So I practiced. I hustled. I worked on my game. Passing. Dribbling. Shooting. Thinking. I ran. I did sit-ups. I did push-up. I did pull-ups. I lifted weights. I studied you. I began to fall in love and you noticed. At least that's what Coach Smith said. At the time, I wasn't sure exactly what was going on. But now I know. Coach Smith was teaching me how to love you, how to listen to you, how to understand you, how to respect you and how to appreciated you. Then it happened. That rights, at the Louisiana Superdome, in the final seconds of the championship game against Georgetown, you found me in the corner and we danced. Since then, you've become so much more than just a ball to me. You've become more than just a court. More than just a hoop. More than just a pair of a sneakers. More than just a game. In some respects, you've become my life. My passion. My motivation. My inspiration. You're my biggest fan and my harshest critic. You're my dearest friend and my strongest ally. You're my most challenging teacher and my most endearing student. You're my ultimate teammate and my toughest competitor. You're my passport around the world and my visa into the hearts of millions. So much has changed since the first day we met, and to a large degree, I have you to thank. So if you havn't heard me say it before, let me say it now for the world to hear. Thank you, Basketball. Thank you for everything. Thank you for all the players who came before me. Thank you for all the players who went into battle with me. Thank you for the championships and the rings. Thank you for the All-Star Games and the Playoffs. Thank you for the last shots, the buzzer-beaters, the hard fouls, the victories and the defeats. thank you for making me earn my keep. Thank you for #23. Thank you for north Carolina and Chicago. Thank you for the air and the nickname. Thank you for the moves and the hang time. Thank you for the Slam-Dunk Contest. Thank you for the will and the determination, the heart and the soul, the pride and the courage. Thank you for the competitive spirit and the competition to challenge it. Thank you for the failures and the setbacks, the blessings and the applause. Thank you for the triangle. Thank you for the baseball and the Barons. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for the assistant coaches, the trainers and the physical therapists. Thank you for the announcers, the refs, the writers, the reporters, the broadcasters and the radio stations. Thank you for the Pistons and the Lakers, the Cavs and the Knicks, the Sixers and the Celtics. Thank you for Phoenix, Portland, Seattle and Utah. thank you for the Wizards. Thank you for the believers and the doubters. Thank you for Coach Smith, Coach Loughery, Coach Albeck, Coach Collins and Coach Jackson. Thank you for the education and the experience. Thank you for teaching me the game behind, beneath, within, above and around the game...the game game. Thank you for every fan who has ever called my name, put their hands together for me and my teammates, slapped me five or patted me on the back. Thank you for everything you've given my family. Thank you for the moon and the stars, and last but not least, thank you for Bugs and Mars. I know I'm notthe only one who loves you. I know you have loved many before me and will love many after me. But, I also know what we had was unique. It was special. So as our relationship, changes yet again, as all relationships do, one thing is for sure. I love you, Basketball. I love everything about you and I always will. My playing days in the NBA are definitely over, but our relatinship will never end. Much Love and Respect, Michael Jordan
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