
2023-01-15 09:44:07    作者:切尔东


佳能的不错,我最近买了个佳能A720IS的,6倍光学变焦、光学防抖。 可以看看:) 另外,可以看看数码相机选购的问题,朋友们给予了一些答复。http://bbs.piaocheng.com/thread-1261-1-2.html

























There was once a poor, but honest Woodsman who lived with his family in a forest. He worked hard, cutting down trees so he could sell the firewood. This is how he supported his family. All day long you could hear the sound of his faithful ax ringing through the woods.

One day he was cutting down trees near the edge of a deep pool of water in the forest. With strong, steady strokes he chopped away until it grew quite late in the day. The Woodsman was tired, for he had been working since early morning, and his strokes were not as strong and steady as they had been. He raised his tired arms high for a final blow and his ax slipped, flew out of his hands and landed with a ‘plonk’ into the pool, sinking to the bottom.

The Woodsman cried out, “No! All is lost!” As he stood, wringing his hands, pulling his hair and weeping, the god Mercury suddenly appeared.

“What is wrong Woodsman?” asked the god.

The Woodsman wept, “My ax fell into the water! It is too deep and I cannot get it back! My ax is all I have to make a living with, and I don’t have enough money to buy a new one. My family will starve.”

Hearing this Mercury dove with a splash down to the bottom of the pool. When he surfaced he held in his hand an ax that glinted in the setting sun, for this ax was made of pure gold! Mercury held up the golden ax and asked, “Is this your ax, Woodsman?”

The Woodman’s mouth fell open and his eyes grew large with desire as he looked at the golden ax, but he shook his head. “No. That is not my ax.”

Mercury dove again with a splash down to the bottom of the pool. This time when he surfaced he held in his hand an ax that sparkled like the silvery drops of water falling from it, for it was made of pure silver!

“Is this your ax, Woodsman?” asked Mercury.

The honest Woodsman gazed with amazement at the beautiful silver ax, but again shook his head and said, “No. That is not my ax. My ax is just an ordinary old ax with a plain wooden handle.”

Mercury dove down for the third time with a splash, and when he surfaced he held in his hand the Woodman’s battered old ax.

“Is this your ax, Woodsman?” he asked.

The Woodsman was so glad his ax had been found! He cried out, “That’s my ax!” He eagerly took the ax and thanked the kind god again and again.

Mercury looked at the Woodman and smiled. “I admire your honesty, Woodsman. And it shall be rewarded. You may keep all three axes, the gold and the silver as well as your own.” And then Mercury disappeared as suddenly as he had come.

The Woodsman gathered the three axes in his arms and hurried home where he was met by his wife. She was so happy when she saw the gold and silver axes, she cried out, “Husband! We’ll never be hungry again!”

The very next day she took the silver ax and went to the village to buy food for her family. Soon the story of their good fortune was known to everyone in the village.

Other wives came to that good woman and asked, “Your husband was given a silver ax?”

The honest Woodman’s wife nodded happily. “Oh, yes! And a golden ax as well!”

“A gold one as well. Well, well, well,” said the other wives with greed and jealously in their voices. “Isn’t that nice!” The greedy wives went home to their husbands and shook their fists as they yelled, “We want silver! We want gold! Go into the woods and lose your axes and call upon the god Mercury for help. We want to be rich!”

The men from the village hurried into the woods and hid their axes in the bushes, pretending they had lost them. Then they began weeping and wailing, “Oh, Mercury! Help us! We have lost our axes.Help us!”

Suddenly Mercury appeared, holding a silver ax. He asked the men, “Is this your ax?”

One of the men eagerly nodded his head, “Yes, yes! That’s my ax!” Another said, “Why, that looks just like the ax I lost!” A third man, greedier than the rest said, “Actually, my ax was made of gold.”

Mercury did not give any of the men the silver or the golden ax. Instead he gave them each a hardy whack over the head and sent them home. And when those men returned to the woods the next day to look for their own axes...they were nowhere to be found!


一、根据1986年10月10日重新发表《简化字总表》的说明,确认《简化字总表》收入的“䜣、䜩、晔、詟、诃、䲡、䌷、刬、鲙、诓、雠”11个类推简化字为规范字,不再作为淘汰的异体字。二、根据1988年3月25日国家语言文字工作委员会与中华人民共和国新闻出版署“关于发布《现代汉语通用字表》的联合通知”中的规定,确认《印刷通用汉字字形表》收入的“翦、邱、於、澹、骼、彷、菰、溷、徼、薰、黏、桉、愣、晖、凋”等15个字为规范字,收入《现代汉语通用字表》,不再作为淘汰的异体字。中华人民共和国文化部中国文字改革委员会关于发布第一批异体字整理表的联合通知(1955年12月22日)中国文字改革委员会根据全国文字改革会议讨论的意见,已经把第一批异体字整理完毕,我们现在随文发布,并且决定从1956年2月1日起在全国实施。从实施日起,全国出版的报纸、杂志、图书一律停止使用表中括弧内的异体字。但翻印古书须用原文原字的;港澳台要使用异体字可作例外。一般图书已经制成版的或全部中分册尚未出完的可不再修改,等重排再版时改正。机关、团体、企业、学校用的打字机字盘中的异体字应当逐步改正。商店原有牌号不受限制。停止使用的异体字中,有用作姓氏的,在报刊图书中可以保留原字,不加变更,但只限于作为姓用。 an庵 〔菴〕暗 〔闇晻〕案 〔桉〕鞍 〔鞌〕岸 〔㟁〕ao坳 〔㘭〕鰲 〔鼇〕翱 〔翺〕 ba霸 〔覇〕bai柏 〔栢〕稗 〔粺〕ban坂 〔岅〕bang帮 〔幚幇〕膀 〔髈〕榜 〔牓〕bao刨 〔刨鑤〕褓 〔緥〕寳 〔宝〕褒 〔襃〕bei背 〔背〕备 〔俻〕悖 〔誖〕杯 〔杯桮〕ben奔 〔犇 逩〕beng绷 〔绷〕bi痹 〔痹〕逼 〔逼〕毙 〔毙〕秘 〔秘〕弊 〔ᚁ〕秕 〔粃〕bian遍 〔徧〕biao膘 〔臕〕bie鳖 〔鼈〕瘪 〔瘪〕bing冰 〔氷〕幷 〔并并竝〕禀 〔禀〕bo钵 〔钵盋〕博 〔愽〕驳 〔驳〕脖 〔铐〕bu布 〔布〕 cai睬 〔倸〕踩 〔跴〕采 〔寀采〕彩 〔彩〕can惭 〔慙〕参 〔叅〕cao草 〔艸〕操 〔⮥撡〕ce册 〔册〕厕 〔厕〕策 〔筞筴〕cha碴 〔扆〕查 〔査〕察 〔詧〕插 〔揷〕chan铲 〔铲剗〕chang尝 〔嚐甞〕肠 〔膓〕场 〔塲〕che扯 〔撦〕chen嗔 〔瞋〕趁 〔趂〕cheng乘 〔乗椉〕撑 〔撑〕澄 〔澄〕塍 〔堘〕chi吃 〔喫〕翅 〔翄〕敕 〔勅勑〕chou仇 〔讎讐〕瞅 〔矁儨〕酬 〔酧詶醻〕绸 〔紬〕chu锄 〔鉏耡〕蹰 〔躕〕橱 〔橱〕厨 〔厨㕑〕chuan船 〔舩〕chuang创 〔剏剙〕窗 〔妗窓窻牕牎〕床 〔牀〕chui捶 〔搥〕棰 〔箠〕锤 〔鎚〕chun唇 〔脣〕春 〔旾〕醇 〔醕〕蠢 〔惷〕淳 〔湻〕蒓 〔蓴〕ci词 〔䛐〕辞 〔辤〕糍 〔餈〕鷀 〔鶿〕cong匆 〔悤怱〕葱 〔葱〕cou凑 〔凑〕cu粗 〔觕麤〕蹴 〔蹵〕cuan篡 〔簒〕cui脆 〔脃〕悴 〔顇〕cun村 〔邨〕cuo锉 〔锉〕 da瘩 〔亥〕dai呆 〔呆騃〕玳 〔瑇〕dan啖 〔啗噉〕淡 〔澹〕耽 〔躭〕dang挡 〔攩〕荡 〔汤〕dao捣 〔擣ⷬ〕岛 〔㠀〕de德 〔悳〕deng凳 〔櫈〕di堤 〔堤〕抵 〔牴觝〕蒂 〔蔕〕diao雕 〔雕雕凋琱〕die蝶 〔蜨〕叠 〔叠曡疉〕喋 〔啑〕ding碇 〔椗矴〕dong动 〔働〕dou兜 〔兠〕斗 〔鬦鬪鬭〕豆 〔豆〕du睹 〔覩〕妒 〔妬〕dun敦 〔㪟〕惇 〔㥫〕遁 〔遯〕墩 〔墪〕duo朵 〔朶〕垛 〔垜〕跺 〔跥〕 e额 〔頟〕扼 〔搤〕萼 〔蕚〕峨 〔峩〕鹅 〔鵞䳘〕婀 〔娿婐〕厄 〔阨戹〕鳄 〔鳄〕腭 〔齶〕讹 〔譌〕en恩 〔㤙〕er尔 〔尒〕 fa罚 〔罸〕筏 〔栰〕法 〔灋㳒〕珐 〔珐〕fan繁 〔緐〕翻 〔飜繙〕凡 〔凢〕帆 〔㠶颿〕泛 〔泛氾〕fang仿 〔彷髣仿〕fei痱 〔疿〕废 〔癈〕fen氛 〔雰〕feng蜂 〔蠭䗬〕峰 〔峯〕fu俯 〔俛頫〕佛 〔佛髴〕妇 〔媍〕附 〔坿〕麸 〔粰䴸〕 ga戛 〔戞〕嘎 〔嘠〕gai丐 〔匄匃〕槪 〔槩〕gan赣 〔贑灨〕秆 〔秆〕杆 〔杆〕乾 〔乹亁〕干 〔榦〕gang杠 〔槓〕扛 〔摃〕肛 〔疘〕gao皋 〔皐臯〕槁 〔槀〕糕 〔餻〕稿 〔稾〕ge阁 〔閤〕胳 〔肐骼〕歌 〔謌〕个 〔箇〕gen亘 〔亘〕geng耕 〔畊〕粳 〔稉秔〕鲠 〔骾〕gong躬 〔躳〕gou够 〔够〕钩 〔钩〕构 〔搆〕gu雇 〔雇〕菇 〔菰〕鼓 〔皷〕gua挂 〔挂罣〕括 〔⬸〕guai拐 〔柺〕怪 〔恠〕guan管 〔筦〕馆 〔舘〕罐 〔鑵〕gui规 〔槼〕瑰 〔瓌〕guo果 〔菓?〕椁 〔椁〕 han函 〔圅〕悍 〔猂〕焊 〔釬焊〕捍 〔扞〕hao嗥 〔嘷獋〕皓 〔皜暠〕蚝 〔蠔〕he呵 〔诃〕盍 〔盇〕核 〔覈〕和 〔龢咊〕heng恒 〔恒〕hong哄 〔閧哄〕hou糇 〔餱〕hu呼 〔虖嘑謼〕糊 〔䊀餬〕胡 〔衚〕hua话 〔䛡〕哗 〔哗〕花 〔芲蘤〕huan獾 〔貛䝔〕欢 〔懽讙驩〕huang恍 〔怳〕晃 〔㨪〕hui毁 〔毁毁〕蛔 〔蛕蚘痐蜖〕辉 〔煇晖〕汇 〔滙〕回 〔廻逥〕徽 〔幑〕hun魂 〔䰟〕混 〔溷〕昏 〔昬〕huo祸 〔旤〕 ji羁 〔覊〕鸡 〔鸡屰〕楫 〔檝〕绩 〔绩〕迹 〔迹迹〕期 〔朞〕賫 〔賷齎〕jia假 〔叚〕夹 〔裌袷〕jian笺 〔牋椾〕剑 〔劒〕鉴 〔鉴鋻〕缄 〔椷〕奸 〔奸〕碱 〔鹻〕碱 〔堿〕剪 〔翦〕减 〔减〕茧 〔蠒〕jiang缰 〔韁〕僵 〔僵〕奖 〔奨〕jiao侥 〔徼儌〕叫 〔呌〕剿 〔勦ް〕脚 〔脚〕jie秸 〔稭〕届 〔届〕阶 〔堦〕洁 〔絜〕劫 〔刼刧刦〕杰 〔杰〕捷 〔㨗〕jin斤 〔觔〕晋 〔晋〕紧 〔悳惂〕jing阱 〔穽〕径 〔迳〕净 〔净〕胫 〔踁〕jiong炯 〔烱〕迥 〔逈〕jiu韭 〔韮〕救 〔捄〕纠 〔糺〕揪 〔揫〕厩 〔廐廏〕ju巨 〔钜〕矩 〔榘〕局 〔局跼〕据 〔㨿〕举 〔擧〕飓 〔闗〕juan狷 〔獧〕眷 〔睠〕倦 〔勌〕jue橛 〔橜〕撅 〔噘〕决 〔决〕jun俊 〔儁㑺〕浚 〔濬〕隽 〔隽〕 kai慨 〔嘅〕kan刊 〔栞〕瞰 〔矙〕侃 〔偘〕坎 〔埳〕kang糠 〔穅粇〕炕 〔匟〕kao考 〔考〕ke咳 〔欬〕疴 〔痾〕克 〔尅〕ken肯 〔肎〕keng坑 〔阬〕kou寇 〔宼㓂〕叩 〔敂〕扣 〔扣〕ku裤 〔袴〕kuai脍 〔鱠〕kuan款 〔欵〕kuang况 〔况〕矿 〔鑛〕诳 〔诓〕kui馈 〔餽〕愧 〔媿〕窥 〔闚〕kun昆 〔昆崐〕捆 〔困〕坤 〔堃〕kuo阔 〔濶〕 la辣 〔辢〕腊 〔臈〕lai赖 〔頼〕lan懒 〔嬾〕婪 〔惏〕lang螂 〔蜋〕琅 〔琅〕lei泪 〔泪〕leng棱 〔稜〕楞 〔愣〕li厘 〔釐〕裏 〔里〕历 〔઱歴〕暦 〔厤〕莅 〔莅涖〕犁 〔犂〕狸 〔貍〕梨 〔棃〕隶 〔隷轻〕藜 〔蔾〕栗 〔凓栗〕璃 〔琍瓈〕荔 〔茘〕lian廉 〔亷㢘〕镰 〔䥥鎌〕奁 〔匳匲籢〕炼 〔鍊〕敛 〔歛〕liang梁 〔梁〕凉 〔凉〕lin麟 〔麐〕吝 〔恡〕邻 〔隣〕淋 〔痳〕磷 〔燐粦〕ling菱 〔蔆〕liu留 〔㽞畱䱊〕琉 〔瑠璢〕瘤 〔癅〕柳 〔栁桺〕long弄 〔衖挵〕lu橹 〔艪㯭艣樐〕碌 〔磟〕戮 〔剹勠〕炉 〔鑪〕lü绿 〔菉〕lüe略 〔畧〕lun仑 〔崘仑〕luo裸 〔躶臝〕骡 〔驘〕虏 〔 〕 ma骂 〔骂傌〕麻 〔蔴〕蟆 〔蟇〕mai脉 〔脉衇䘑〕mang虻 〔蝱〕mao冒 〔冐〕帽 〔㡌〕卯 〔夘戼〕猫 〔猫〕牦 〔犛氂〕mei梅 〔楳槑〕mi幂 〔幂〕眯 〔眯〕觅 〔覔〕mian绵 〔緜〕面 〔麪〕miao眇 〔效〕渺 〔㺌淼〕妙 〔玅〕mie咩 〔ട哶〕min泯 〔冺〕ming命 〔Ǯ〕冥 〔㝠և〕mo馍 〔饝〕谟 〔謩〕mu幕 〔幙〕亩 〔畆畮畆䱈畂〕 na拿 〔㧱拏挐〕nai奶 〔嬭你〕乃 〔乃廼〕nan楠 〔枏柟〕nao閙 〔闹〕ni霓 〔蜺〕你 〔你〕昵 〔暱〕拟 〔儗〕nian拈 〔捻〕念 〔念〕粘 〔黏〕年 〔秊〕niang娘 〔娘〕niao袅 〔嫋嬝褭〕nie啮 〔齧囓〕捏 〔揑〕涅 〔湼〕孽 〔孼〕ning宁 〔寕寗〕nong农 〔辳〕nü衄 〔衂䶊〕nuan暖 〔煖㬉煗〕nen嫩 〔嫰〕nuo糯 〔穤稬〕挪 〔挼捼〕 pao疱 〔皰〕炮 〔炮礮〕pei胚 〔肧〕peng碰 〔掽踫〕pi毗 〔毘〕匹 〔疋〕piao飘 〔飃〕ping凭 〔凴〕瓶 〔缾〕po迫 〔廹〕pu铺 〔铺〕 qi戚 〔戚慽〕启 〔启唘〕棋 〔碁棊〕栖 〔栖〕凄 〔凄凄〕旗 〔旂〕弃 〔弃〕憩 〔憇〕qian铅 〔鈆〕潜 〔潜〕愆 〔諐〕qiang强 〔彊强〕襁 〔繦〕墙 〔墻〕樯 〔艢〕羌 〔捑羗〕枪 〔枪〕qiao憔 〔顦癄〕跷 〔蹻〕峭 〔陗〕荞 〔荍〕锹 〔鍫〕qie惬 〔㥦〕qin寝 〔寑〕勤 〔懃〕琴 〔琹〕揿 〔搇〕qiu丘 〔丘邱〕虬 〔虬〕鳅 〔鰌〕秋 〔秌龝〕球 〔毬〕qu曲 〔麴〕驱 〔駈敺〕quan券 〔劵〕que榷 〔搉㙜〕却 〔却㕁〕qun群 〔羣〕裙 〔裠帬〕 ran冉 〔冄〕髯 〔髥〕rao绕 〔遶〕ren韧 〔靱靭 〕轫 〔 〕饪 〔餁〕衽 〔袵〕妊 〔姙〕rong冗 〔宂〕绒 〔羢毧〕熔 〔鎔〕融 〔螎〕ruan蠕 〔蝡〕软 〔輭〕rui蕊 〔蕋橤蘂〕睿 〔叡〕ruo箬 〔篛〕 sa飒 〔䬃〕sai腮 〔顋〕san伞 〔̂繖〕散 〔㪚〕sang桑 〔桒〕se涩 〔澁濇〕shan鳝 〔鱓〕删 〔删〕姗 〔姗〕栅 〔栅〕珊 〔 〕膳 〔饍〕膻 〔羶羴〕shao筲 〔䈰〕she蛇 〔虵〕射 〔䠶〕shen深 〔㴱〕愼 〔昚〕参 〔葠蓡〕sheng升 〔升升〕剩 〔賸〕shi虱 〔蝨〕是 〔昰〕尸 〔屍〕湿 〔溼〕谥 〔諡〕实 〔寔〕时 〔旹〕视 〔眡眎〕柿 〔柹〕shu倏 〔倐儵〕庶 〔庻〕竖 〔竖〕漱 〔潄〕疏 〔疎〕薯 〔藷〕si饲 〔飤〕祀 〔禩〕厮 〔廝〕俟 〔竢〕似 〔侣〕sou嗽 〔໳〕搜 〔蒐〕su溯 〔泝遡〕宿 〔㝛〕诉 〔愬〕苏 〔蘓苏〕sui岁 〔嵗〕sun笋 〔笋〕飧 〔飱〕suo琐 〔䨏〕锁 〔鎻〕蓑 〔簑〕挲 〔挱〕 ta塔 〔墖〕拓 〔搨〕它 〔它〕tan叹 〔叹〕坛 〔罈壜〕袒 〔襢〕tang趟 〔䟖蹚䠀〕糖 〔餹〕tao掏 〔掏〕绦 〔绦縚〕teng藤 〔籐〕ti剃 〔剃鬀〕啼 〔嗁〕蹄 〔蹏〕tiao眺 〔覜〕tong筒 〔筩〕同 〔仝衕〕峒 〔峝〕tou偷 〔媮〕tu兔 〔兎〕tui腿 〔骽〕颓 〔穨〕tun臀 〔臋〕tuo驮 〔䭾〕托 〔托〕驼 〔駞〕拖 〔拕〕 wa蛙 〔鼃〕袜 〔韈韤〕wan挽 〔挽〕浣 〔澣〕玩 〔翫〕碗 〔盌椀㼝〕wang亡 〔亾〕望 〔朢〕往 〔徃〕罔 〔㒺〕wei喂 〔餵餧〕猬 〔蝟〕wen吻 〔脗〕蚊 〔螡蟁〕weng瓮 〔甕罋〕wu污 〔污汚〕坞 〔隖〕忤 〔啎〕 xi嘻 〔譆〕溪 〔溪〕晰 〔晳皙〕席 〔席〕煕 〔熈䋮〕戏 〔戯〕膝 〔䣛〕xia厦 〔厦〕狭 〔陿〕xian衔 〔衘衔〕弦 〔弦〕仙 〔仙〕鲜 〔尠鱻尟〕闲 〔闲〕娴 〔嫺〕涎 〔㳄〕线 〔线〕籼 〔秈〕xiang享 〔亯〕饷 〔饟〕向 〔曏〕厢 〔厢〕xiao笑 〔咲〕效 〔効效〕xie胁 〔脇〕邪 〔衺〕蟹 〔蠏〕燮 〔爕〕蝎 〔蝎〕泄 〔洩〕绁 〔絏〕鞋 〔鞵〕携 〔携㩗擕㩦〕xin欣 〔欣〕xing幸 〔幸〕xiong汹 〔汹〕凶 〔凶〕胸 〔胷〕xiu修 〔脩〕绣 〔绣〕銹 〔锈〕xu叙 〔叙敍〕勖 〔勗〕恤 〔䘏賉恤〕婿 〔壻〕xuan喧 〔喧〕楦 〔楥〕萱 〔萲蕿蘐藼〕璇 〔璿〕xue靴 〔鞾〕xun熏 〔薫熏〕徇 〔狥〕勋 〔勲〕埙 〔壎〕寻 〔ᬶ〕巡 〔廵〕 ya鸦 〔鵶〕丫 〔枒桠〕yan赝 〔赝〕雁 〔鴈〕验 〔騐〕烟 〔烟菸〕胭 〔臙〕燕 〔鷰〕鼹 〔鼹〕腌 〔腌〕咽 〔嚥〕檐 〔檐〕岩 〔巗巖嵒〕焰 〔燄〕艳 〔豓豔〕宴 〔讌醼〕yang扬 〔颺敭〕yao淆 〔肴〕肴 〔肴〕耀 〔燿〕咬 〔齩〕拗 〔抝〕窑 〔窰窑〕夭 〔殀〕ye野 〔埜壄〕夜 〔亱〕烨 〔爗哗〕yi翳 〔瞖〕异 〔异〕咿 〔吚〕移 〔迻〕yin因 〔囙〕殷 〔慇〕飮 〔㱃〕淫 〔婬滛〕喑 〔瘖〕堙 〔陻〕阴 〔隂〕吟 〔唫〕荫 〔廕〕姻 〔婣〕ying罂 〔甖〕颖 〔頴〕映 〔暎〕莺 〔鸎〕yong咏 〔咏〕涌 〔涌〕恿 〔慂惥〕雍 〔雝〕you游 〔游〕yu于 〔於〕寓 〔庽〕欲 〔欲〕逾 〔逾〕愈 〔愈瘉〕郁 〔鬰欝〕yuan冤 〔寃ᨘ〕猿 〔猨蝯〕yue岳 〔岳〕yun韵 〔韵〕 za杂 〔襍〕匝 〔帀〕zai灾 〔灾烖菑〕再 〔ՅՂ〕zan咱 〔喒ര偺倃〕赞 〔賛赞〕簪 〔簮〕zang葬 〔浏塟〕zao唣 〔唕〕糟 〔糟〕噪 〔噪〕皂 〔皁〕zha札 〔剳札〕闸 〔牐〕榨 〔搾〕扎 〔紥扎〕咤 〔吒〕zhai寨 〔砦〕斋 〔亝〕zhan盏 〔琖盏〕毡 〔氊〕占 〔占〕崭 〔嶃〕暂 〔蹔〕沾 〔沾〕zhang獐 〔麞〕zhao照 〔炤〕棹 〔櫂〕zhe浙 〔淛〕辄 〔輙〕谪 〔讁〕哲 〔喆〕慑 〔慴讋〕zhen针 〔针〕鸩 〔酖〕砧 〔碪〕珍 〔珎〕侦 〔遉〕zhi卮 〔巵〕帙 〔袟袠〕址 〔阯〕置 〔寘〕跖 〔蹠〕栀 〔栀〕祇 〔只秖〕志 〔志〕纸 〔帋〕稚 〔穉稺〕侄 〔妷〕zhong冢 〔冢〕众 〔众〕zhou周 〔周〕咒 〔呪〕帚 〔箒〕zhu煮 〔煑〕箸 〔筯〕伫 〔竚伫〕注 〔注〕猪 〔猪〕zhuan砖 〔甎塼〕撰 〔撰〕专 〔专〕馔 〔籑〕zhuang妆 〔粧〕zhuo斫 〔斲斵斮〕桌 〔槕〕zi姊 〔姉〕资 〔赀〕眦 〔眥〕zong偬 〔偬〕鬃 〔騌騣鬉〕踪 〔踪〕棕 〔椶〕粽 〔糉〕zu卒 〔䘚〕zuan纂 〔篹〕钻 〔鑚〕樽 〔罇〕zui最 〔㝡冣〕罪 〔辠〕


  每一个清晨,记得鼓励自己。没有奇迹,只有你努力的轨迹;没有运气,只有你坚持的勇气!每一份坚持都是成功的累积,只要相信自己,总会遇到惊喜,每天都别忘了鼓励自己要坚强。接下来我在这里给大家带来鼓励自己坚强的英语句子,希望对你有所帮助!   1.Do not have too many irons in the fire  贪多嚼不烂。   2.Faith can move mountains  信念能移山。(精诚所至,金石为开。)   3.Difficult the first time, easy the second  一回生,二回熟。   4.Do one thing at a time, and do well  一次只做一件事,做到最好!   5.An apple a day keeps the doctor away  一日一个苹果,身体健康不求医。   6.Behind the mountains there are people to be found  天外有天,山外有山。   7.He would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom  千里之行始于足下。   8.Wealth is the test of a man's character  财富是对一个人品格的试金石。   9.The best hearts are always the bravest  心灵最高尚的人,也总是最勇敢的人。   10.Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life  苦难是人生最伟大的老师。   11.A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near  海内存知己,天涯若比邻。   12.A man is only as good as what he loves  一个人要用他所爱的东西有多好来衡量   13.Blessed is he whose fame does not outshine his truth.——Tagore 有福之人,是因为他的真实比他的名誉更耀眼。——泰戈尔   14.Courage is grace under pressure.——Hemingway 勇气是压力之下的优雅风度。——海明威   15.But man is not made for defeat,A man can be destroyed but not defeated.——Hemingway 人不是因失败而生。你可以被摧毁他但是不能被打败他。——海明威   16.God gives the nuts, but he does not crack them. — Franz Kafka 上帝给我们坚果,但不会为我们敲开外壳。– 法兰兹‧卡夫卡   17.Audacity,more audacity, always audacity.—— Georges Danton 胆大,再胆大,永远胆大。—— 乔治·丹敦   18.Don't corrupted themselves, life is not only an opportunity, try to get. 不要堕落了自己,人生并不只有一次机会,努力把握。   19.Success comes from doing what you really love and what you are really good at. 只有做自己真正喜欢并且擅长的事时,才有可能取得成功。   20.To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. 想浪漫一辈子,首先学会爱自己。   21.The way of the time is the single car, never sell FanChengPiao. 时间的路是单程车,从来不卖返程票。   22.Important people, less and less people left more and more important. 重要的人越来越少,留下来的人越来越重要。   23.Without you, my life don't know how to describe. 没有你,我的生活不知道该怎样去形容。   24.Only love www.namecom influence, and can realize born inspiration. 只有爱情的熏陶,才能体会到与生俱来的灵感。   25.The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. 生活中最大的幸福,是坚信有人爱着我们。   26.Not every morning wake up your alarm clock, but dream! 每天早上叫醒你的不是闹钟,而是梦想!   27.Only opposed every day, will live the strong than you imagine. 每天只有逞强着,才会活得比你们想象中的坚强。   28.Gentle to have, but not compromise, I want to be in quiet, not strong. 温柔要有,但不是妥协,我要在安静中,不慌不忙的坚强。   29.I'm just a sunflower, waiting for belong to me only sunshine. 我只是一朵向日葵,等待属于我的唯一的阳光。   31.While there is life there is hope. 一息若存,希望不灭。   32.I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. ( America) 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。   33.(亚伯拉罕.林肯美国) Never underestimate your power to change yourself! 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力! Nothing is impossible! 没有什么不可能! Nothing for nothing. 不费力气,一无所得。   34.The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ". (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor ) 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。   35.( 法国皇帝 拿破仑. B.) I will greet this day with love in my heart. 我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天 Do what you say,say what you do 做你说过的,说你能做的 I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own. 我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起(Mariah Carey-through the rain) All things come to those who wait. 苍天不负有心人 A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step. 千里之行,始于足下。   36.Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill) 永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。   37.(英国首相 丘吉尔) A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (J. Barrymore) 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。   38.直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。   39.(巴里摩尔) You have to believe in yourself . That's the secret of success.(Charles Chaplin , American actor ) 人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。   40.(美国演员 卓别林. C.) One's real value first lies in to what degree and what sense he set himself.(Einstein Germany) 一个人的真正价值首先决定于他在什么程度上和在什么意义上从自我解放出来。   41.(爱因斯坦 德国) One thing I know,that is I know nothing.(Socrates Greek) 我所知道的一件事就是我一无所知。   42.(苏格拉底 古希腊) Cease to struggle and you cease to live. -- Thomas Carlyle 生命不止,奋斗不息。   43.-- 卡莱尔 Victory won't come to me unless I go to it. -- 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。   44.-- 穆尔 We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. -- Mattin Luther King 我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。   45.-- 马丁 · 路德 · 金 It's great to be great , but it's greater to be human. ---W. Rogers 成为伟人固然伟大,但成为真正的人更加伟大. Never give up, Never lose the opportunity to succeed 不放弃就有成功的机会。   46.Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。   47.Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life .( Thomas Edison , American inventor) 有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。   48.( 美国发明家 爱迪生. T. ) Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards. 人往高处走,水往低处流。   49.Nothing seek, nothing find. 无所求则无所获。   50.One needs things to be truly happy living in the world: some thing to do, some one to love, some thing to hope for. 在这个世界我们只需拥有三件事便可真正快乐:有自己向往的事业;有自己爱的人;还有希望. I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. ( Voltaire ) 我不同意你说的话,但我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。




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